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Female Physician Suicide Compared to the General Population

Elena Frank, Ph.D.; Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.; Constance Guille, M.D., MSCR

JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.4786

Published: February 26, 2025


Trans-ancestry genome-wide study of depression identifies 697 associations implicating cell types and pharmacotherapies 

Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 

Cell. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.12.002

Published: February 6, 2025


The real-world association between digital markers of circadian disruption and mental health risks

Minki P. Lee, Dae Wook Kim, Yu Fang, Ruby Kim, Amy S. B. Bohnert, Srijan Sen, Daniel B. Forger

npj Digital Medicine.

Published: December 5, 2024


Burnout, Depression, and Diminished Well-Being among Physicians

Constance Guille, M.D., and Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

The New England Journal of Medicine. 2024;391:1519-27. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2302878

Published: October 24, 2024


Trends in Female Physicians Entering High-Compensation Specialties, 2008-2022

Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, MSc; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Sujatha Changolkar, BA; Elena Frank, PhD; Amy Bohnert, PhD, MHS

JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.17516

Published: September 30, 2024


Resident physician depression: systemic challenges and possible solutions

Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, MSc & Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2024 Aug 23:S1471-4914(24)00215-6. doi: 10.1016/j.molmed.2024.08.001. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39181802.

​Published: August 23, 2024


Duration of New-Onset Depressive Symptoms During Medical Residency

Erin Kim, BS; Brandy R. Sinco, MS; Joan Zhao, MS; Yu Fang, MSE; Carrie Cunningham, MD, MPH; Elena Frank, PhD; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Amy Bohnert, PhD; Tasha M. Hughes, MD, MPH

JAMA Network Open. 2024;7(6):e2418082. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.18082

Published: June 21, 2024


Trends in Sexual Harassment Prevalence and Recognition During Intern Year

Elena Frank, PhD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; Yu Fang, MSE; Jennifer L. Cleary, BS; Elizabeth M. Viglianti, MD, MPH, MSc; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Constance Guille, MD

JAMA Health Forum. 2024;5(3):e240139. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2024.0139

Published: March 22, 2024


Unraveling the interplay of circadian rhythm and sleep deprivation on mood: A Real-World Study on first-year physicians

Benjamin Shapiro, Yu Fang, Srijan Sen, Daniel Forger

PLoS Digital Health (2024); 3(1): e0000439.

Published: January 31, 2024


Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of major depression aids locus discovery, fine mapping, gene prioritization and causal inference

Meng, X et al.

Nature Genetics (2024); 56, p 222–233.

Published: January, 4, 2024


Variation by Institution in Sexual Harassment Experiences Among US Medical Interns

Elizabeth M. Viglianti, MD, MPH, MSc; Andrea L. Oliverio, MD, MSc; Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, MSc; Elena Frank, PhD; Lisa M. Meeks, PhD, MA; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Amy S. B. Bohnert, PhD, MHS

JAMA Network Open (2023);6(12):e2349129. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.49129

Published: December 26, 2023


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among First-Year Resident Physicians Working Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Michelle K. Ptak, BA; Elena Frank, PhD; Katherine E. T. Ross, BS, BA; Jennifer L. Cleary, MS; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, MSc

JAMA Network Open (2023);6(8):e2330241. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.30241

Published: August 22, 2023


Barriers to Disclosure of Disability and Request for Accommodations Among First-Year Resident Physicians in the US

Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, MSc; Lisa M. Meeks, PhD, MA; Katherine E. T. Ross, BS, BA; Jasmine R. Marcelin, MD; Lydia Smeltz, BA; Elena Frank, PhD; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open (2023);6(5):e239981. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.9981

Published: May 11, 2023


Peak-End Bias in Retrospective Recall of Depressive Symptoms on the PHQ-9

Adam G. Horwitz, Zhuo Zhao, and Srijan Sen

Psychological Assessment (2023). Advance online publication.

Published: February 9, 2023


Polygenic Risk and Social Support in Predicting Depression Under Stress

Jennifer L. Cleary, M.S., Yu Fang, M.S.E., Laura B. Zahodne, Ph.D., Amy S.B. Bohnert, Ph.D., Margit Burmeister, Ph.D.,

Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

The American Journal of Psychiatry (2023)

Published: January 11, 2023


Effectiveness of gamified team competition as mHealth intervention for medical interns: a cluster micro-randomized trial

Jitao Wang, Yu Fang, Elena Frank, Maureen A. Walton, Margit Burmeister, Ambuj Tewari, Walter Dempsey, Timothy NeCamp, Srijan Sen, Zhenke Wu

npj Digital Medicine 6, 4 (2023). Published: January 11, 2023


A caveat to using wearable sensor data for COVID-19 detection: The role of behavioral change after receipt of test results

Jennifer L. Cleary, Yu Fang, Srijan Sen, Zhenke Wu

PLoS ONE 17(12): e0277350. pone.0277350 Published: December 30, 2022


Is It Burnout or Depression? Expanding Efforts to Improve Physician Well-Being

Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

New England Journal of Medicine 387;18 (2022) DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2209540 Published: November 3, 2022


Work Hours and Depression in U.S. First-Year Physicians

Yu Fang, MSE; Sara Lodi, Ph.D.; Tasha M. Hughes, M.D., M.P.H., Elena Frank, Ph.D., Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D., Amy S. B. Bohnert, Ph.D..

New England Journal of Medicine. (2022) doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2210365 Published: October 20, 2022


Using machine learning with intensive longitudinal data to predict depression and suicidal ideation among medical interns over time

Adam Horwitz, Shane Kentopp, Jennifer Cleary, Katherine Ross, Zhenke Wu, Srijan Sen, Ewa Czyz

Psychological Medicine. (2022) 1-8. Published: September 5, 2022


Utilizing daily mood diaries and wearable sensor data to predict depression and suicidal ideation among medical interns

Adam Horwitz, Ewa Czyz, Nadia Al-Dajani, Walter Dempsey, Zhuo Zhao, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Srijan Sen

Journal of Affective Disorders. (2022) 1-8. Published: June 25, 2022


Polygenic Liability to Depression Is Associated With Multiple Medical Conditions in the Electronic Health Record: Phenome-wide Association Study of 46,782 Individuals

Yu Fang, Lars G. Fritsche, Bhramar Mukherjee, Srijan Sen, Leah S. Richmond-Raker

Biological Psychiatry. (2022) Published: June 11, 2022


Prevalence and risk factors for depression among training physicians in China and the United States

Lihong Chen; Zhuo Zhao; Zhen Wang; Ying Zhou; Xin Zhou; Hui Pan; Fengtao Shen; Suhua Zeng; Xinhua Shao; Elena Frank; Srijan Sen; Weidong Li; Margit Burmeister

Scientific Reports. (2022)12:8170. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-12066-y Published: May 17, 2022


Assessment of the Prevalence and Trajectory of Depressive Symptoms by Sexual Orientation During Physician Training

Tejal H. Patel; Jennifer L. Cleary, MS; Zhuo Zhao, MS; Katherine E. T. Ross, BS; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Elena Frank, PhD

JAMA Health Forum. 2022;3(4):e220812. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.0812 Published: April 29, 2022


New-Onset Depression Among Surgical Interns

Tasha M. Hughes, MD, MPH; Jennifer F. Waljee, MD, MPH; Yu Fang, MSE; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Amy Bohnert, PhD

JAMA Surgery. 2022 doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2022.0618 Published: April 27, 2022


Consumer-grade wearables identify changes in multiple physiological systems during COVID-19 disease progression

Caleb Mayer; Jonathan Tyler; Yu Fang; Christopher Flora; Elena Frank; Muneesh Tewari; Sung Won Choi; Srijan Sen;

Daniel  B. Forger

Cell Reports Medicine. 2022;3(4):100601. Published: April 19, 2022


Analysis of Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Impairment Among Physicians Across Intern Year

Lisa M. Meeks, PhD; Jennifer Cleary, MS; Adam Horwitz, PhD; Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; Yu Fang, MSE; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(1):e2144919. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.44919 Published: January 25, 2022


Program Access, Depressive Symptoms, and Medical Errors Among Resident Physicians With Disability

Lisa M. Meeks, PhD; Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD; Elena Frank, PhD; Erene Stergiopoulos, MD, MA; Katherine E.T. Ross, BS, BA; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(12):e2141511; doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.41511 Published: December 30, 2021


Prediction of Suicidal Ideation Risk in a Prospective Cohort Study of Medical Interns

Tyler L. Malone, Zhou Zhao, Tzu-Ying Liu, Peter X. K. Song, Srijan Sen , Laura J. Scott

PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260620. DOI: Published: December 2, 2021


Trends in Depressive Symptoms and Associated Factors During Residency, 2007 to 2019 

Yu Fang, MSE, Amy S.B. Bohnert, PhD, MHS, Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD, Jennifer Cleary, MS, Elena Frank, PhD, 

Zhuo Zhao, MS, Walter Dempsey, PhD, Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

Annals of Internal Medicine. 2021; doi:10.7326/M21-1594 Published: November 16, 2021


Experiences of Work-Family Conflict and Mental Health Symptoms by Gender Among Physician Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Elena Frank, PhD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; Yu Fang, MSE; Lisa S. Rotenstein, MD, MBA; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Constance Guille,MD

JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(11):e2134315. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.34315  Published: November 12, 2021


A Method for Characterizing Daily Physiology from Widely Used Wearables

Clark Bowman, Yitong Huang, Olivia J. Walch, Yu Fang, Elena Frank, Jonathan Tyler, Caleb Mayer,

Christopher Stockbridge, Cathy Goldstein, Srijan Sen, Daniel B. Forger

Cell Reports Methods, DOI:,  Published: July 29, 2021


Genomic heterogeneity affects the response to Daylight Saving Time

Jonathan Tyler, Yu Fang, Cathy Goldstein, Daniel Forger, Srijan Sen & Margit Burmeister

Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:14792 | |Published: 20 July 2021


Genetic Interactions with Stressful Environments in Depression and Addiction

Margit Burmeister & Srijan Sen

BJPsych Advances , Volume 27 , Special Issue 3: Stress and Resilience , May 2021 , pp. 153 - 157

doi:  Published: 8 June 2021


Identifying Mobile Sensing Indicators of Stress-Resilience

DA Adler, VWS Tseng, G Qi, J Scarpa, S Sen, T Choudhury

Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., Vol. 5, No. 2, Article 51. Published: June 2021


Exposure to Workplace Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Intern Physicians

Mary C. Vance, MD, MSc; Holly B. Herberman Mash, PhD; Robert J. Ursano, MD; Zhuo Zhao, MA, MS; Jessica T. Miller, BS;

Michael Jeremy D. Clarion, BS; James C. West, MD; Joshua C. Morganstein, MD; Abeer Iqbal, BA; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(6):e2112837. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.12837 Published: 8 June 2021


Differences in Gender Representation in the Altmetric Top 100

LS Rotenstein, M Torre, JL Cleary, S Sen, C Guille, DA Mata

Journal of General Internal Medicine. 1-3. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-06829-y Published: 4 May 2021


Learning From Others Without Sacrificing Privacy: Simulation Comparing Centralized and Federated Machine Learning

on Mobile Health Datas

Jessica Chia Liu , MA;  Jack Goetz , PhD;  Srijan Sen , MD, PhD;  Ambuj Tewari , PhD

JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021; 9(3):e23728  doi: 10.2196/23728 


Day-to-day Variability in Sleep Parameters and Depression Risk: a Prospective Cohort Study of Training Physicians

Yu Fang, Daniel B. Forger, Elena Frank, Srijan Sen and Cathy Goldstein

npj Digital Medicine, volume 4, Article number: 28 (2021) Published: 18 February 2021


Assessment of Disclosure of Psychological Disability Among US Medical Students

Lisa M. Meeks, PhD; Melissa Plegue, MA; Ben Case, MPH; Bonnielin K. Swenor, PhD, MPH; Srjan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(7):e2011165.doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.11165 Published: 23 July 2020


Mental Health of Young Physicians in China During the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak

Weidong Li, MD, PhDElena Frank, PhDZhuo Zhao, MSLihong Chen, PhD; Zhen Wang, MD; Margit Burmeister, PhD;

Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2020; 3(6):e2010705. | DOI:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.10705 Published: 01 June 2020


Assessing Real-Time Moderation for Developing Adaptive Mobile Health Interventions for Medical Interns:

Micro-Randomized Trial

Timothy NeCamp, PhD, Srijan Sen, MD, PhD, Elena Frank, PhD, Maureen A. Walton, MPH, PhD, Edward L. Ionides, PhD,

Yu Fang, MSE, Ambuj Tewari, PhD, Zhenke Wu, PhD

J Med Internet Res 2020 | vol. 22 | iss. 3 | e15033, DOI: 10.2196/15033 Published online: 31 March 2020 


Substantial Overlap Between Factors Predicting Symptoms of Depression and Burnout Among Medical Interns

Lisa S. Rotenstein, MD, MBA, Zhuo Zhao, MA, MS, Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH, Constance Guille, MD, MSCR,

Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

J Gen Intern Med, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-020-05664-x Published online: 05 February 2020 


Political Events and Mood Among Young Physicians:  a Prospective Cohort Study

Elena Frank, Brahmajee K Nallamothu, Zhuo Zhao, Srijan Sen

BMJ 2019;367:l6322 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.l6322 Published: 09 December 2019 


Racial and Ethnic Diversity and Depression in Residency Programs: a Prospective Cohort Study

Jad A. Elharake, BS, Elena Frank, PhD, David A. Kalmbach, PhD, Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH, and Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

J Gen Intern Med. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-019-05570-x. Published online: 03 December 2019  


Association Between Physician Depressive Symptoms and Medical Errors - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Karina Pereira-Lima, PhD; Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH; Sonia R. Loureiro, PhD; José A. Crippa, MD, PhD;

Lívia M. Bolsoni, MSc; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Network Open. 2019; 2(11):e1916097.doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen. 2019.16097 


Change in Prevalence of Disabilities and Accommodation Practices Among US Medical Schools

Lisa M. Meeks, PhD; Ben Case, MPH; Kurt Herzer, MD, PhD, MSc; Melissa Plegue, MABonnielin K. Swenor, PhD, MPH

JAMA. 2019;322(20):2022-2024. | doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.15372 Published: 26 November 2019 


Genomic Prediction of Depression Risk  and Resilience under Stress

Yu Fang , Laura Scott , Peter Song , Margit Burmeister  and Srijan Sen                                 

Nature Human Behaviour, Published: 28 October 2019


Gender Disparities in Work and Parental Status Among Early Career Physicians

Elena Frank, PhD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Constance Guille, MD

JAMA Network Open. 2019; 2(8):e198340.doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen. 2019.8340. August 2, 2019


Physician Training Stress and Accelerated Cellular Aging

Kathryn K. Ridout, M.D., Ph.D., Samuel J. Ridout, M.D., Ph.D., Constance Guille, M.D., Douglas A. Mata, M.D., M.P.H.,

Huda Akil, Ph.D., Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

Biological Psychiatry (2019), doi: https://


Altitude and Risk of Depression and Anxiety: Findings From the Intern Health Study

Brent M. Kious, Amanda Bakian, Joan Zhao, Brian Mickey, Constance Guille, Perry Renshaw, Srijan Sen

International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2019.1586324 


Insomnia Symptoms and Short Sleep Predict Anxiety and Worry in Response to Stress Exposure

David A Kalmbach PhD, James L Abelson MD PhD, J Todd Arnedt PhD, Zhuo Zhao MS, Jessica R Schubert PhD,

Srijan Sen MD PhD

Sleep Medicine: December 5, 2018.


Residency Program Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Internal Medicine Interns

Pereira-Lima, Karina, MSc; Gupta, Rahael R., MS; Guille, Constance, MD, PhD; Sen, Srijan, MD, PhD

Academic Medicine: December 18, 2018


Prevalence of Burnout Among Physicians - A Systematic Review 

Lisa S. Rotenstein, MD, MBA; Matthew Torre, MD; Marco A. Ramos, MD, PhD; Rachael C. Rosales, MD;

Constance Guille,MD, MSCR; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH

JAMA. 2018;320(11):1131-1150. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.12777


Measuring Our Values—Redoubling On A Commitment To Physician Health​

Lisa S. Rotenstein; Douglas A. Mata



I Solemnly Share

Rahael Gupta, MS

JAMA February 13, 2018 Volume 319, Number 6


Chronic stress, hair cortisol and depression: A prospective and longitudinal study of medical internship

Stefanie E. Mayer, Nestor L. Lopez-Duran, Srijan Sen, James L. Abelson

Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 92, Pages 57–65, June 2018


Effects of Sleep, Physical Activity, and Shift Work on Daily Mood

David A. Kalmbach, Yu Fang, J. Todd Arnedt, Amy L. Cochran, Patricia J. Deldin, Adam I. Kaplin, Srijan Sen

Journal of General Internal Medicine. 14 March, 2018


The Cost of Depression-Related Presenteeism in Resident Physicians

Tracey Rosen; Kara Zivin; Daniel Eisenberg; Constance Guille; Srijan Sen

Academic Psychiatry 2017


Work-Family Conflict and the Sex Difference in Depression Among Training Physicians

Constance Guille, MD; Elena Frank, PhD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; David A. Kalmbach, PhD; Paul J. Nietert, PhD; 

Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Internal Medicine, Published online October 30, 2017.


Sleep Disturbance and Short Sleep as Risk Factors for Depression and Perceived Medical Errors in First-Year Residents

David A. Kalmbach, PhD; J. Todd Arnedt, PhD; Peter X. Song, PhD; Constance Guille, MD; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

SLEEP, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2017


Prevalence of Depression, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidal Ideation Among Medical Students

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Lisa S. Rotenstein, BA; Marco A. Ramos, MPhil; Matthew Torre, MD; J. Bradley Segal, BA, BS; Michael J. Peluso,MD, MPhil;

Segal, BA, BS; Michael J. Peluso,MD, MPhil; Constance Guille,MD, MS; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD; Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH

JAMA. 2016;316(21):2214-2236. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.17324


Healing Medicine’s Future: Prioritizing Physician Trainee Mental Health

Kathryn Baker, MD, and Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

AMA Journal of Ethics® / June 2016, Volume 18, Number 6: 604-613


In Their Own Words: An Analysis of the Experiences of Medical Interns Participating in a Prospective Cohort Study of Depression

Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH, Marco A. Ramos, MPhil, MSEd, Michelle M. Kim, MD, PhD,

Constance Guille, MD, MS, and Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

Academic Medicine / 2016


Prevalence of Depression and Depressive Symptoms Among Resident Physicians

Douglas A. Mata, MD, MPH; Marco A. Ramos, MPhil, MSEd; Narinder Bansal, PhD; Rida Khan, BS;

Constance Guille,MD, MS; Emanuele Di Angelantonio,MD, PhD; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA. 2015;314(22):2373-2383. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.15845


Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for the Prevention of Suicidal Ideation in Medical Interns

Constance Guille, MD; Zhuo Zhao, MS; John Krystal, MD; Breck Nichols, MD; Kathleen Brady,MD, PhD; Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1880 Published online November 4, 2015.


Institution and Specialty Contribute to Resident Satisfaction With Their Learning Environment and Workload

Larry D. Gruppen, PhD, R. Brent Stansfield, PhD, Zhuo Zhao, MS, and Srijan Sen, MD, PhD

Academic Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 11 / November Supplement 2015


The development of depressive symptoms during medical internship stress predicts worsening vascular function

Jess G. Fiedorowicz, Vicki L. Ellingrod, Mariana J. Kaplan, Srijan Sen

Journal of Psychosomatic Research, PSR-09034; No of Pages 3. 2015


The differential influence of life stress on individual symptoms of depression

Fried EI, Nesse RM, Guille C, Sen S.

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2015: 1–7


Appropriate approaches to summarizing GxE studies

Amy L. Byrd MS, Aidan G.C. Wright PhD, Srijan Sen MD, PhD, Kerby Shedden PhD, Stephen B. Manuck PhD

Biological Psychiatry, 2014.02.009


Work Compression in the Era of Duty Hour Restrictions
Dr. Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Breck Nichols, M.D., M.P.H., and Dr. Aashish K. Didwania, M.D.

JAMA Intern Med. 173(19): 1844–1845. 2013 October 28.


Effects of the 2011 Duty Hour Reforms on Interns and Their Patients A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study
S Sen, HR Kranzler, AK Didwania, AC Schwartz, S Amarnath, JC Kolars, GW …

JAMA Internal Medicine 173 (8), 657-662. 2013. April 22.


Depression is more than the sum score of its parts: individual DSM symptoms have different risk factors
EI Fried, RM Nesse, K Zivin, C Guille, S Sen.

Psychological Medicine, 1-10. 2013.


Well-Being and the Risk of Depression under Stress
F Grant, C Guille, S Sen.

PloS one 8 (7), e67395. 2013.


Trajectories of depressive symptoms in response to prolonged stress in medical interns
C Guille, S Clark, AB Amstadter, S Sen.

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2013.


Gene× Environment Interaction Models in Psychiatric Genetics
K Karg, S Sen.

Behavioral Neurogenetics, 441-462. 2012.


Prescription drug use and self-prescription among training physicians
C Guille, S Sen.

Archives of internal medicine 172 (4). 371, 2012.


Reporting bias in industry-supported medication trials presented at the American Psychiatric Association meeting
S Sen, M Prabhu.

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 32 (3), 435. 2012.


Socioeconomic status and mental health: what is the causal relationship?
S Sen.

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 125 (3), 187-188. 2012.


The serotonin transporter promoter variant (5-HTTLPR), stress, and depression meta-analysis revisited: evidence of genetic moderation
K Karg, M Burmeister, K Shedden, S Sen.

Archives of General Psychiatry 68 (5), 444. 2011.


A prospective cohort study investigating factors associated with depression during medical internship
S Sen, HR Kranzler, JH Krystal, H Speller, G Chan, J Gelernter, C Guille.

Archives of General Psychiatry 67 (6), 557. 2010.


Utilization and barriers to mental health services among depressed medical interns: a prospective multisite study
C Guille, H Speller, R Laff, CN Epperson, S Sen.

Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2 (2), 210-214. 2010.

The Sen Lab

Intern Health Study

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