The Sen Lab
University of Michigan

If you are a bright, hard-working and enthusiastic person who is passionate about the type of science we do, feel free to contact us regarding an opportunity to join the lab!
Post Docs / Data Analysts
We are accepting applications for post-doctoral fellow positions. The following qualifications are preferred:
PhD in in statistical genetics/biostatistics/epidemiology or a degree in computer science followed by several years of hands-on experience.
A strong background in genomics, statistics and programming and a familiarity with common spreadsheet and database software.
Familiarity with R and/or Perl/Python.
Ability to work in a collaborative environment.
Good organizational skills.
If interested, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and the names and contact information of at least two potential recommenders to Dr. Sen. Informal inquiries are also encouraged.
Contact: Dr. Srijan Sen
E-mail: srijan@med.umich.edu
Phone: 734-395-8319
Graduate Students
We are affiliated with the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, the Neuroscience Graduate Program and the Program in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Michigan. To join our lab, you will work through one of these programs. Application deadlines for these programs are usually around the first of December each year. Informal inquiries regarding the possibility of rotating in our lab as a graduate student should be directed to Dr. Sen.
Undergraduate Students
We love having undergraduates in the lab and are always looking for bright, talented, responsible and enthusiastic individuals to join our team. Previous lab experience is a bonus, but not required. Informal inquiries regarding the possibility of joining our lab are also encouraged and can be directed to Dr. Sen.